Rainy Day Standoff: How to Encourage Rainy Day Bathroom Breaks Outside
When your dog dislikes the rain, coaxing them outside may seem like an impossible task. Once you convince them to venture out, it's extremely frustrating as they stand there frozen in place as you both become soaked in water. But why the aversion to rain? What makes them dread their walks and bathroom breaks in wet weather?
The warm, dry comfort of our home is far more appealing than the downpour outside on a rainy day, and your pup will agree. Rain is a rarity in sunny San Diego, making its sudden appearance feel like a disruption to our usual routine. Just as you've grown accustomed to the warm, sunny climate, so has your pup. Like you, they may not love the idea of soggy paws and muddy fur. If your dog is inexperienced with rainy weather, they may find the wet ground and the sound of rain unsettling. Hence, opting to stay indoors during a downpour is perfectly natural for them. However, despite their reluctance, it's essential to take them outside for bathroom breaks. This can pose a challenge, especially if your pup resists venturing out into the rain, even when nature calls.
🌧 Here are some helpful tips to help you and your pup overcome the rain:
Prepare your pup for rainy walks by acclimating them to wet grass or dirt beforehand. Wet the ground with water before your outing to familiarize them with bathroom breaks on damp surfaces.
Bring along treats to reward your dog for staying outside and enduring wet weather. As they continue walking, reward them with treats. Walking will stimulate their bladder while the treats encourage staying outside.
Equip your pup with rain gear like a raincoat and boots to keep their fur and paws dry and comfortable. Consider bringing an umbrella to shield them from the rain during walks, providing extra comfort during bathroom breaks.
Teaching your dog a cue word for going to the bathroom is especially useful on rainy days when distractions are heightened. Use the cue word to refocus them on their task, ensuring efficient bathroom breaks and a swift return indoors.
Try these tips the next time it rains, and remember that patience is the most helpful tip to keep your dog calm during downpour!